Publisher Ellen Ismail-Schmidt 1st Edition 2014 (English)
ISBN 978-3-9815743-03
Price 12,00 Euro plus postage
Since Sudanese cuisine is generally unknown outside the Sudan, a short inrotduction on culture is included with the traditional recipes. The dishes reflect regional influences. The collection of recipes includes dishes from the former North and South Sudan. In addition to the main dishes with meat, poulty and fish, the preparation of a number of healthy and light meals are also explained step bay step. Recipes for soups, desserts, and drinks are alos included to offer a balanced composition. Health conscious cooks will appreciate these tasty and simple dishes.
Amal Gourashi was born in Rumbek (South Sudan) in 1964. Her mother, a Dinka, was born in Yerul, a small town on the White Nile (South Sudan), and her father came from Dongola (North Sudan). Amal spent her first school years in Rumbek. She received her secondary education in El Obeid and a degree in Home Economics in Khartoum. In 1984 she married the lawyer Dr. Peter Kok in Khartoum. She has five children - Malak, Eva Acuoth, Paul, Sarah and Darke. In 1987 Amal and her family moved to Germany. The first few years were difficult. The German culture and language were alien to her; however, new German friends helped ease the process. Cooking has been a passion for Amal since she was seven years old, when she started helping her mother prepare dishes. In later years, during her studies in home economics, she refined her skills. Amal is currently working at the Kochkunst in Hamburg where she is learning to prepare German dishes.
Publisher Ellen Ismail is a writer and gender specialist with a PhD in Cultural Anthropology from the University of Cologne. She married Sudanese ethnomusicologist Mahi Ismail in 1957, and moved to Sudan in 1960. Ellen Ismail has worked as a lecturer at the University Khartoum and as a consultant for national and international development organisations, concentrating on projects that address the needs and rights of Sudanese women and children. She currently works on a voluntary basis in the Sudan specialising on women's issues. Ellen Ismail has written and published several books on Sudanese culture.
Sudanese Cooking - Friday breakfast in Hosh Harim
*** New Editons 2013 ***
SOWTI - Voices of Sudanese Women Ellen Ismail and Maureen Makki
Tabaldi Verlag Ellen Ismail-Schmidt New Edition, 2013
ISBN 978-3-9801259-7-0
Price 20,00 Euro plus postage
In this rare piece of historical documentation, Sudanese women speak with great openness about their experiences of womanhood in Sudan, including their varied attitudes to issues such as female circumcision, marriage and polygamy, religion, education, and their visions of the future.
International Women's Day, Khartoum 2011 / Nomad Woman
Ellen Ismail is a writer and gender specialist with a PhD in Cultural Anthropology from the University of Cologne. She married Sudanese ethnomusicologist Mahi Ismail 1957, and moved to Sudan 1960. She lived the first three years in Bakht Er-Ruda before relocating with her family to the Sudanese capital Khartoum where she lived until 1990. Ellen Ismail has worked as lecturer at the University Khartoum and as consultant for national and international development organisations concentrating on projects addressing the needs and rights of Sudanese women and children. She currently works on voluntary basis in the Sudan specialising on women’s issues. Ellen Ismail has written and published several books on Sudanese culture.
Maureen Makki married in Juba in 1961 and moved around the Sudan for the next few years, while her husband was working for the government. Finally they moved to Khartoum where she lived until 1989. She received an Honour Degree in Linguistics and Anthropology from the University of Khartoum and worked for Khartoum University Press as English Editor and later ran a publishing unit in the Graduate College. While in Sudan Maureen had 4 children and took a degree at Khartoum University. Her later career concentrated on working with NGO's, specializing in the Horn of Africa. She goes back to the Sudan on a regular basis.
*** Further Publications ***
Social Environment and Daily Routine of Sudanese Women
A case study of urban middle class housewives
Ellen Ismail
Kölner Ethnologische Studien, Bd. 6
Berlin 1982 Dietrich Reimer Verlag
ISBN 3-496-00526-2
Price 12,60 Euro plus postage
- Limited Editions - Books can be ordered at
This case study is an attempt to analyse the changing position of Muslim women in an urban middle class context in Northern Sudan. A lot has been said about the status of women in Islamic societies, however, so far most research was limited to general introduction or explanations to single facts, such as polygyny, harim, divorce etc. This research - which I consider a pilot study - is a description of everyday life and social enviroment of Sudanese housewives. I have tried to report as objectively as possible and not to look at the women's life with the eyes of a Western woman - if not always successful, I might be forgiven.
Technical advice and assistance in drawing the tables and scetches by Dorit Hahne. 15 b/w photographs if not mentioned otherwise by author and her son Amir. 2 wedding Pictures by photoshop in Khartoum.
Verlag Ellen Ismail-Schmidt
Bendestorf, Germany
ISBN 978-3-9801259-0-1
Price 13 Euro / 18 USD plus postage
- Remnants only -
The New Edition, March 2009/2011, is
updated with 3 maps, coloured photos and a detailed directory.
Sudan is a country full of contradictions:
enormous desert and dry savannah in the north, tropical forest
and massive swamps in the South, modern buildings in Khartoum
and thousand year-old ruins at the coast of the Nile. What
brings out the richness of Sudan is the diversity in its people
and the multiplicity of its ethnic make-up.
2010: Khartoum and BURJ AL-FATEH HOTEL in Kharthoum
The book is aimed to give visitors to the Sudan an insight into Sudanese culture. It describes the social structure; behaviour patterns, norms and values, and gives a brief historical and political overview of the society there. It explains the intricacy of the transitional phase between tradition and modernity.
A chapter on Islam and its influence on the society is incorporated. It also discusses the impact of tradition and culture on Sudanese women. The annex offers practical information on 'how to?' access daily necessities; get in touch with key institutions; explore the 'Three Towns' around Khartoum. A selected bibliography offers further reading on certain relevant subjects. Phonetically transcribed words and phrases are included for non-Arabic speakers.
Ellen Ismail / Maureen
Ellen Ismail / Co-Author
Maureen Makki
Verlag Ellen Ismail-Schmidt
Bendestorf, Germany, 1990 (1st edition)
ISBN 3-9801 259-1-2
Price 8 Euro plus postage
- Remnants only -
The first part of this book discusses the legal status of women in the Sudan
and provides a background on the history of Sudanese women's education and
movement. It also provides some information on female circumcision, female
spirit possession 'Zar' and how culture impacts on a woman's life in Sudan.
The second part of the book documents the voices of 23 Sudanese women from
diverse social backgrounds, ethnic groups and ages. It speaks for itself. Their
stories provide the reader with an insight of the day to day life from a Sudanese
woman's perspective, e.g. marriage, polygamy, divorce, children, female circumcision,
their status in society and their social interactions with men.
Female Maturity in the Sudan
A Case study on the third stage of life of Northern Sudanese urban middle class
Development Studies and Research Centre (DSRC) University of Khartoum
Sudan, 1985
(Co-author Fawzia Hamour)
Sudanese Women and Mass Media
A Survey on Urban Middle Class Women
DSRC No. 53, University of Khartoum
Sudan 1984
The Role of Media on Sudanese Family Life
A Survey on Low Income Groups DSRC
University of Khartoum
Sudan 1985